The Liverpool defender does not think he gets the recognition he deserves, while he has backed team-mate Luka Modric to win the Ballon d’Or Croatia defender Dejan Lovren believes that he deserves to be recognised as one of the game’s outstanding centre-backs. Although pinpointed as a weak link for Liverpool this season, the former Southampton…
Neymar, Sampaoli's Argentina & the biggest disappointments of World Cup 2018
The World Cup has been a huge success but, like every major tournament, it has had its negative moments. Here are the big let-downs of Russia 2018… “I have said before that diving is part of Neymar’s game,” Celtic defender Mikael Lustig mused last November. “So, we will see it again and again. “But if…
No Real Madrid bid for Willian as passport issue delays Chelsea return
The Brazilian will not be available for the Blues’ pre-season meeting with Arsenal but has been in constant communication with the club Real Madrid have not made a bid for Willian and it is a passport issue that has delayed the Brazilian’s return to Chelsea, Goal understands. Indeed, the Blues and Willian have been in constant…
Ozil finally breaks silence over Erdogan meeting
The Arsenal midfielder was joined by Ilkay Gundogan in receiving jeers from fans after being pictured with the republic’s head of state Mesut Ozil has released a statement explaining his meeting with controversial Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, insisting that there was no political motive involved. Both Ozil and fellow Germany international Ilkay Gundogan –…
Sane: I can't tell Mahrez I'm happy he joined Man City – he'll take my place!
The winger’s arrival in Manchester has got his German team-mate excited for the new Premier League campaign – but he can’t tell him that! Leroy Sane has joked he can’t tell Riyad Mahrez how happy he is about him joining Manchester City as the Algerian will then take his place in the team. Mahrez had…
23 Senators Demand Investigation Into Mismanagement Of Student Loan Program
Nearly two-dozen U.S. senators are calling on Kathleen Kraninger, director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, to investigate a loan servicer called the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency. Updated at 4:20 p.m. ET Twenty-three U.S. senators are calling on the nation’s top consumer protection agency to investigate a loan servicer for its role in a…
Tottenham chairman faces 'grossly unfair' criticism over lack of transfers
Spurs are yet to make a signing in the current transfer window and the club’s chairman has come under fire from supporters with time running out Criticisms levelled at Tottenham chairman Daniel Levy over the club’s lack of transfer acquisitions is “grossly unfair”, according to executive director Donna-Marie Cullen, as the deadline for dealings in…
'I like him very much' – Sarri sees big future for Barkley at Chelsea
Click:Paint Art Kit The Italian was complimentary of the 24-year-old’s performance against Man City, though admits he needs to work on his defending Chelsea head coach Maurizio Sarri has praised Ross Barkley’s ability and backed him to go from unrefined outsider to disciplined midfield figure. Barkley, 24, endured a torrid start to life at Stamford…
Specialty Series | NHRA
lang=”en” dir=”ltr” prefix=”content: dc: foaf: og: rdfs: schema: sioc: sioct: skos: xsd: “> Specialty Series | NHRA NHRA – National Hot Rod Association X BUY TICKETS BUY TICKETS | TV SCHEDULE X Skip to main content Tickets Become A Member Member Login NHRA.TV E-NEWS &…
Summit | NHRA
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