在北京时间9月9日的报道中,自从休赛期开始以来,洛杉矶湖人队的引援工作进展并不顺利。据报道,前克里夫兰骑士队的前锋切迪-奥斯曼拒绝了湖人队的训练营邀请,选择与希腊的职业篮球队帕纳辛纳科斯签约。 早些时候,记者尼古拉-米洛拉多维奇在其报道中提及,“奥斯曼收到了洛杉矶湖人队的兴趣,球队邀请他参加训练营,然而,由于湖人无法保证他能进入赛季大名单,他决定拒绝邀请并回到欧洲”。 奥斯曼在NBA效力了七个赛季,其中大部分时间是在骑士队度过的,上赛季常规赛中,他出战了61场比赛,场均贡献3.9分、2.0个篮板、0.7次助攻和0.4次抢断。奥斯曼在骑士队效力期间一直扮演着合格替补的角色,在詹姆斯离开骑士队加盟湖人队后,他才获得了更多的出手权和上场时间。 在2018-19赛季常规赛中,奥斯曼出战76场比赛并首发75场,迎来了他职业生涯中表现最好的一个赛季,场均贡献生涯最高的13.0分,投篮命中率为42.7%,三分命中率为34.8%,还贡献了4.7个篮板、2.6次助攻和0.8次抢断。 Keyword: NBA 直播
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不要错过的那些精美woc chanel
最早的一玫woc chanel不知道是多少年前了,精美小巧的身材,开始燃起了人们对小包的热爱,他代表的是自由与轻松感,这两点已经是现今都市女人们最奢侈的追求了,从入门级的woc chanel到各种风格的演绎,woc几乎与cf、2.55大咖们一样,经历了羊皮、牛皮、布料、山茶花、蛇皮多种材质的熏陶,练就了一身经久不衰的大牌风范,小包包有大能量,除了不可小觑的功能性与实用性,更是最百搭的点睛配饰,你喜欢穿裙子?露肩的、露背的、或者喜欢休闲些运动些的感觉,搭配t桖配牛仔都很般配,最重要是简约的设计风格,竟能起来另你意想不到的效果,如今又到了春光灿烂的春夏天,woc chanel们将以异彩纷呈的姿态迎接如此精彩的季节。 说到小香说拿包的经典之作,那必定是woc了,诠释时尚精美之典范,其中作为限量版身份的蛇皮款woc,更是高贵与时髦的化身,助力明星名媛叱咤误乐圈。 最耐看的小羊皮woc,手感美感无可挑剔的爱上他 到了夏天出色的woc漆皮,披着不一样的缤纷色彩,表现得更活泼靓丽,有青春的味道哦,阳光照耀在小小的包包上,散发精彩的光泽。 在春夏天很流行的绿水湖色woc,畅享小清新的小香优雅气息 woc也不乏有个性与复古的风格,那就是与le boy相结合的设计,用过woc的MM一定知道,小巧的身材竟有一根特别长的链子,单肩斜背多种搭法。 2013最另人疯狂的树纹牛皮,在秋冬季最为流行 甜美的熏衣草紫色漆皮woc 鱼子酱牛皮款woc chanel香槟色 在山茶花演绎出来的浮雕效果,不只是2.55,还有woc,散发小香经典优雅的女人味道 不要错过的那些精美woc chanel 双C凸纹牛皮系列的woc简约风格 Keyword: 爱马仕菜篮子
How grain size and direction affects sheet metal parts
Sheet metal fabrication, the practice of manipulating flat pieces of metal into new shapes, is a practical and low-cost solution for making parts like brackets, enclosures, and kitchen equipment. It is one of the most efficient ways to make very large, simple products that don’t have highly detailed features. However, engineering successful sheet metal parts…
Hardwood vs. Softwood in CNC woodworking
Every material has different properties and its own set of strengths and weaknesses, and what you’re using in the shop will play a key role in how you work with it and what you’re able to accomplish. Material has an impact on everything from tool choice and feed rate to cutting speed and beyond. Working…
No Matter What Type of Clientele You Service, Customer Service I
Jul 12 By Nancy Friedman, Founder, Chairman, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training All clients are important. No matter what industry they are. You’re serving them – they’re important. Whether they’re with large companies or small business folks, they deserve, need, and want GREAT customer service. A few tips to make your life easier. As we…
Mid-America Fittings – An Addition to Midland Metal’s Growing Di
Apr 09 Midland Metal Mfg. is excited to announce the acquisition of Mid-America Fittings, Inc. (“MAF”). MAF will be part of a growing distribution platform that includes Anderson Metals, LLC (“Anderson”), Midland Metal Mfg. (“Midland”), and Buchanan Rubber Ltd. (“Buchanan”). The platform is a leading North American manufacturer and distributor of valves, fittings, hoses, couplings,…
CNC Machining for the Aerospace Industry: Benefits, Applications
The aerospace industry, a titan of modern technology and innovation, relies heavily on precision and efficiency. Central to achieving these attributes is CNC machining, a process that significantly enhances the production of critical aerospace components. This introduction explores how CNC machining is not just a part of the aerospace industry but a pivotal element in…
Achieving a Phenomenal Finish with Metallization
Every industry and application is different, but metal parts often look and feel superior to their plastic counterparts. Metal provides a gloss and sheen, as well as the appearance of strength and durability. Plastic is incredibly useful, but metal often wins in the overall quality stakes. On the other hand, plastic parts are often much…
Cannadips Natural Mint
Description Cannadips Natural Mint – Natural mint has a fresh, sweet taste, suitable for this tobacco-free and nicotine-free dip pouches. This Natural Mint CBD pouches feature a smooth taste of gentle peppermint. It has a long lasting flavour, for up to an hour! Crafted using only quality ingredients. Flavour: Peppermint Each tin contains 150mg of…