Analysis of the Physical and Chemical Properties of Geomembranes Geomembrane materials are indispensable in modern engineering and environmental protection projects, particularly in applications requiring containment and seepage control. These synthetic membranes, typically made of polymer materials, are widely used in landfill liners, water reservoirs, mining operations, and agricultural irrigation systems. Their effectiveness largely depends on their…
Common Misconceptions About Chlorine Tablets: How to Avoid Waste As one of the leading best chlorine tablet manufacturers, we know that improper use of chlorine tablets can lead to inefficiency, unnecessary waste, and even safety concerns. Many users—whether homeowners maintaining a pool or professionals managing large water systems—often fall into common traps when using chlorine…
How to Keep Your Pool Water Crystal Clear with Chlorine Tablets Owning a swimming pool is a joy, but maintaining clean, clear water requires consistent care. Among the many pool maintenance products, Chlorine tablets stand out as one of the most effective solutions for ensuring your pool stays sparkling clean and free from harmful contaminants. This…
Brenntag acquires stake in Al-Azzaz Chemicals
Brenntag expands its footprint in the Specialties chemicals distribution market in Saudi Arabia by acquiring a stake in Al-Azzaz Chemicals. Brenntag has announced the partnership with the Al-Azzaz Chemicals Company via a 75/25 joint venture. While Brenntag has been active in Saudi Arabia, this joint venture greatly expands the company’s presence and footprint with one…
Brenntag acquires Monarch Chemicals
Brenntag Essentials has acquired Monarch Chemicals, a distributor of commodity and agricultural chemicals within the UK with in-house liquid and powder blending facilities. Brenntag announced the acquisition of Monarch Group Holdings and its operating subsidiary Monarch Chemicals in the United Kingdom. The transaction includes two sites in Southeast England and Scotland, expanding Brenntag’s last mile…
Bionic coating inspired by pachliopta aristolochiae wings
A recent study describes the fabrication of core-shell Ni@C@PANI nanocomposite-based bionic coating with multi-bands EWM adaptability inspired by porous structure of pachliopta aristolochiae wings. Due to the Planck-Rozanov limit, stealth materials are prevented from realising ultra-wideband absorption at deep sub-wavelength thickness. Now, inspired by the absorption model of Pachliopta aristolochiae wings porous structure, a core-shell…
Excel表格技巧:智能工具箱 批量更改格式
本教程适用版本:WPS 365 点击免费使用 WPS表格的「智能工具箱」包含60项高效小功能,帮助你高效办公,轻松工作不加班。 首先单击「会员专享」选项卡-「智能工具箱」按钮,开启「智能工具箱」功能选项卡。 快速更改首字母大小写 首先框选英文段落,单击「格式」按钮下拉单击「大小写」按钮,选择句首字母大写。 这样就可以一键式将首字母变成大写了。 》免费升级到 WPS 企业版:多人协作在线文档,大容量企业云盘
字符上下标 在单元格中输入公式中的字母和数字,单击「格式」下拉单击「字符上下标」按钮。 在弹框中可以选择上下标的类型,此处我们选择「按字母类型」。 选择数字向下,符号正常,字母正常,中文正常,确定好单击确定按钮将一键变数学公式。 》免费升级到 WPS 企业版:多人协作在线文档,大容量企业云盘
公式转文本 首先打开工资表,单击「格式」下拉单击「公式转文本」按钮,就可以快速将工资表的公式转换成详细信息了。 中文符号替换为英文、数字专为文本型数字等功能都在智能工具箱-格式中,你学会了么?大家快去试试吧。 Keyword: 移民美国
Excel表格技巧:智能工具箱 批量处理文本
本教程适用版本:WPS 365 点击免费使用 WPS表格的「智能工具箱」包含60项高效小功能,帮助你高效办公,轻松工作不加班。 首先单击「会员专享」选项卡-「智能工具箱」按钮,开启「智能工具箱」功能选项卡。 》免费升级到 WPS 企业版:多人协作在线文档,大容量企业云盘 ■保留内容、去除内容 首先框选需要保留的内容,单击「文本」下拉「选择保留内容」。 在批量提取弹框中,有三种提取方式供我们选择,存放位置选择替换源数据单击确定按钮即可。 》免费升级到 WPS 企业版:多人协作在线文档,大容量企业云盘 ■截取开头、中间、结尾文本 框选需要保留的内容,单击「文本」下拉选择「截取中间文本」。 在弹框中,有提取字符和提取多个字符两个选项。 确定好具体要提取文本的位置单击确定即可快速批量提取出想要的文本。 》免费升级到 WPS 企业版:多人协作在线文档,大容量企业云盘 同理需要批量提取开头或结尾的文本,可以框选需要批量截取的内容单击「截图开头」、「截取结尾」按钮。 输入具体数值来批量截取。 》免费升级到 WPS 企业版:多人协作在线文档,大容量企业云盘 你学会了么?智能工具箱中还有超多小功能等你去发现,快去试试吧。 Keyword: 出国移民
Excel表格技巧:智能套用 表格样式设计
本教程适用版本:WPS 365 点击免费使用 下面为大家介绍如何设置表格样式。 ■ 设置表格样式的基础操作是: 选中需要添加颜色的单元格区域,点击“开始”-“颜色填充”小三角折叠框。 选择一个颜色,点击一下即可填充,“字体颜色”的设置方式也相同。 》免费升级到 WPS 企业版:多人协作在线文档,大容量企业云盘 但这样设计比较耗时。 ■ WPS中提供了多种表格样式可以使表格快速套用精美专业的格式。 选中表格区域,点击“开始”-“表格样式”,选择一个表格样式套用即可。 这样设置表格样式非常快速,而且配色也很好看。 》免费升级到 WPS 企业版:多人协作在线文档,大容量企业云盘 ■ 选中表格区域,快捷键CTRL+T也可进行设置。 》免费升级到 WPS 企业版:多人协作在线文档,大容量企业云盘 ■ 我们发现表格旁边的单元格内有一些框框线线,非常不美观。 这些线是“网格线”。 如何隐藏这些网格线呢? 点击“视图”-取消勾选“显示网格线”。 表格一下就整洁了很多! Keyword: 新西兰移民
Atletico Madrid in talks with Kevin Gameiro
According to France Football, 29 year old French attacker Kevin Gameiro is in informal talks with Atletico Madrid. Diego Simeone’s side are also in touch with Sevilla about possible fee discussions, according to the French football magazine. The player has a €40m release clause. Click Here: Stone Island Jacket