Follow RT on The fetid, stagnant waters of the Theresa May era have been replaced by the foaming effervescence of The Boris Interregnum. It will be thus described whatever happens in the next election, which cannot be delayed for long. Turbo-charging the political scene with his customary élan, Boris Johnson cuts a dash to be…
‘Russia doesn’t have a good side’: More xenophobic bile spewing forth from Western ‘experts’
Follow RT on Pretending to ‘understand’ Russia has become quite the lucrative business for Western media professionals in recent years – and “leading” Russia expert extraordinaire Keir Giles is the latest to believe he has cracked the code. Generous Giles has published a list of 10 “ground rules” for befuddled Westerners seeking to unravel the…
Julian Assange faces ‘TORTURE’ if extradited to US – UN rapporteur warns
Follow RT on Julian Assange will most likely be subjected to torture if he is extradited to the US, the UN special rapporteur on torture warned, revealing Assange’s current living conditions. The UN special rapporteur on torture, Nils Melzer, visited Assange at Belmarsh Prison in London with two medical experts in May to access the…
‘Garbage’: Reporter says Trump called himself a 9/11 ‘first responder’ but video shows the opposite
Follow RT on A Vox journalist has drawn ire on Twitter for claiming that Donald Trump suggested he was a “9/11 first responder” — despite the fact that the clip posted by the reporter himself shows the US president saying exactly the opposite. Aaron Rupar of the ultra-liberal explainer outfit posted the clip from Monday’s…
Twitter suspends Russian embassy in Syria after it criticized White Helmets
Follow RT on Without explanation, Twitter has suspended the official account of the Russian embassy in Syria after it posted a video critical of the controversial ‘White Helmets’ group, citing statements by the Russian military. “Twitter suspends accounts that violate Twitter rules,” said the default notice on the grayed-out page of @RusEmbSyria on Tuesday. The…
Blinding whiteness of ‘party of diversity’ spawns #DemDebateSoWhite hashtag
Click:Drip Coffee Bag Packaging Machine Follow RT on Amid a chorus of Orange Man Bad echoing from the Democratic debate stage, another color was on some voters’ minds as Twitter gadflies highlighted the absurdity of 10 white candidates fighting over who’d best represent minorities. Critics of the achingly PC identity-politics wing of the Democratic Party…
Claiming Baltimore is not a mess just because ‘racist’ Trump said it will lose Democrats votes
Follow RT on Baltimore is one of the most deprived cities in the US. President Trump knows it. Bernie knows it. Most importantly, the voters know it. Answering Trump’s criticism by shouting “racist!” is both bad politics and bad for the city. Maryland’s largest city has the second-highest murder rate in the nation, behind St….
Indian cops search for coffee tycoon who VANISHED after sending apologetic message to shareholders
Follow RT on Police are searching for the owner of a coffee chain in India after the billionaire went missing while walking across a bridge. He reportedly apologized to stockholders for betraying their trust shortly before his disappearance. V.G. Siddhartha, the owner of the popular Cafe Coffee Day chain (India’s rival of Starbucks), was last…
Julian Assange faces ‘TORTURE’ if extradited to US – UN rapporteur warns
Follow RT on Julian Assange will most likely be subjected to torture if he is extradited to the US, the UN special rapporteur on torture warned, revealing Assange’s current living conditions. The UN special rapporteur on torture, Nils Melzer, visited Assange at Belmarsh Prison in London with two medical experts in May to access the…
Pakistani military plane crashes in residential area, killing 17 as fire engulfs crash site
Follow RT on A Pakistan Army Aviation plane has crashed in Rawalpindi during a routine training flight, killing at least 17 people and injuring at least 18 more after a massive fire broke out at the crash site. The military plane crashed into a residential area near Rabi Plaza in the early hours of Tuesday…