I don't care how many times you've read that headline the past 24 hours. It's the last time I'll get to use it, and I'm going to get milk out of the Comedy Turnip if it kills me. Everyone now knows what has been obvious for weeks – the Sol have set. For a bad…
Reviewing Mexico's 2009 – Part Dos
As the 2008-2009 season wound down, Javier Aguirre had come back to Mexico, hailed as a savior once more. Although, he didn’t see it that way. “El Salvador is not me, but the team we play next in the hex.” He said. The local league had seen a good number of upsets as the teams…
Another week, another tragedy — UPDATE
The bus that carried Chivas’ U17 squad was involved in a collision early this morning on a highway outside of Guadalajara. Four people sustained injuries: the coach, Manuel Martinez, the trainer, Corazein Prado Cepeda, and two of the young players. Some of the team members are visitng with psychologists at the club's HQ. The team…
La Main de Dieu
Click:摩洛哥向导 I have always been a big fan of Thierry Henry, and I am going to have a hard time seeing him in the same light after what happened in St. Denis today. I cannot understand why it is that certain teams just seem to get the ref to look the other way when…
Don't Step On The Grass, Sam
Despite the opinion, current in some circles, that Dan and I are mere slaves to the massive Major League Soccer PR machine, we don't actually lay about the house waiting for the phone to ring with the day's instructions direct from the bowels of the corporate beast. The fact that we both tend to feel…
What is a snob? In defense of Seattle, Toronto, you, and me
Okay, this conversation that's popped up on Mike's blog intrigued me. The premise is, if being a Eurosnob is bad – and it is, for reasons that I detail in my upcoming book, Crap, All We Have To Do Is Beat England And There Will Be No More Eurosnobs Forever…Oh Please Beat England, Please Please…
Boy, Was That Ever Ugly
Since John (see below) is on the Thierry Henry story, I'm taking a pass on it, for two reasons: First, because we really don't need two posts on the same topic and second because, frankly, there's just nothing to say. The referee is directly behind Henry and so has no chance to see what occurs….
How David Beckham Ruined the US Soccer Hall of Fame
If I'm Jonathan Ullman, present of the Soccer Hall of Fame, I'm so pissed off at Cobi Jones right now I can barely see straight. It was the Year of Our Lord 2006. Cobi had missed the MLS playoffs for the first time ever, having followed up a triumphant 2005 double year with a truly…
Sampson Cut Harkes for Diddling Mrs. Wynalda
The nominations for Strangest Soccer Story of the Year 2010 may not be closed quite yet but we've got one today that's going to be tough to beat. One of the most commented-on stories in US Soccer history, after possibly Belo Horizonte and The Shot Heard Round the World has been Steve Sampson sending…
MLS Cup? Is That Today?
Although it hardly qualified as a secret that Toronto was hot on the trail of Predrag (as opposed, I guess, to POSTdrag) Whats-his-face (AKA Sensei Preki), nonetheless, credit where credit is due it was the esteemed Ives Galarcep who first posted that it was a done deal. (Apparently Mo Johnston is taking the approach…