Previously on Impact:
Last week on Impact, Broken Matt Hardy defeated his brother Jeff Hardy in the epic and innovative “Final Deletion” match. TNA set it’s highest rating on Pop TV with last week’s episode.
Important Note: TNA announced late last week that Impact is moving to Thursday nights starting next week. There is also a time change and the show will now air from 8 pm to 10 pm.
Tonight on Impact:
Tonight is Destination X on a special episode of Impact. The main event will feature a title versus title match when TNA World champion Bobby Lashley takes on TNA X Division champion Eddie Edwards.
Also, Ethan Carter III will face off with Drew Galloway in a street fight.
Additionally, Broken Matt will appear discussing the aftermath of “Final Deletion”.
Show Recap:
– Impact starts off with a series of quick flashbacks to last weeks “Final Deletion” and featured Jeff covering his face with tape. Suddenly, Jeff woke up from an apparent dream.
Next, we get country music and Broken Matt carrying a garbage bag with the “remains” of Jeff. At one point Matt spoke to the dilapidated boat and thanked it for protecting him against Jeff and the fireworks last week.
Matt took the boat into the river and disposed of the contents of the bag, which seemed to be Jeff’s gear. The drone returned carrying Jeff’s t-shirt from last week.
– Josh Mathews and The Pope welcome us to the Impact Zone from ringside.
Ladder Match for X Division Tile shot Rockstar Spud vs. DJ Z vs. Trevor Lee vs. Andrew Everett vs. Mandrews vs. Braxton Sutter
As The Helms Dynasty made their way to the ring, DJ Z and Mandrews hit flip dives to the outside to start the match. All guys looked great in the match but DJ Z in particular pulled off some impressive moves.
Finish of the match came when Everett was at the top of the ladder. DJ Z fought off Lee and shoved Everett off the ladder and he took a bump to the outside on the rest of the guys.
DJ Z pulled down the giant X to win the match and become the number one contender for the X Division title.
Post-match, Jeremy Borash interviewed DJ Z about his victory. In mid-interview, Mike Bennett attacked DJ Z from behind. Miracle took the mic and reminded us that he promised to ruin Destination X and by the end of the night will burn TNA to the ground.
– Backstage, EC3 cut a good promo and said that tonight he and Drew will fight.
– Back from commercial and we meet the new interviewer, Mackenzie Mitchell. She introduced TNA president Dixie Carter who announced Impact’s move to Thursday nights starting next week. They will be kicking off the Bound For Glory Playoffs next week right at 8 pm.
– J.B. is in the ring with TNA World champion Lashley and X Division champ Edwards. J.B. went to ask Edwards a question but Lashley interrupted and kicked J.B. out of the ring.
Lashley promised to walk out tonight with both titles. Lashley jumped Edwards and beat him down. Lashley brought in a steel chair and went to use it when Davey Richards made a surprise return and took the chair from Lashley.
The Wolves cleared Lashley from the ring. Richards put the World title on Edwards’ waist.
– In the back, Crazy Steve was freaking out because they couldn’t find Rosemary and she was making out with Bram last week. Abyss promised Steve to defeat Bram and Rosemary will reunite with them.
– Back to Matt Hardy’s House and Hardy Cinema. Guests joined the Hardy family in a home theater to watch “The Final Deletion” with King Maxel for the first time.
The Hardy House is super cool. Reby, or Rebecca as Matt called her, entered Maxel’s secret bedroom behind a bookcase. She strapped King Maxel to her back and slid down a fireman’s pole through a trap door into the theater with the rest of the guests.
Everyone chanted “Delete” to end the segment.
Abyss w/Crazy Steve vs. Bram
Mathews reminded us about Impact changing to Thursday next week and added that it’ll be an extended episode.
The crowd has been pretty hot all night. This was another good match. Finish of the match came when Abyss hit a chokeslam on Bram.
This brought out Rosemary who said something to Bram. Rosemary distracted Abyss and Steve, Bram sent Abyss into Steve and rolled up Abyss to win the match.
After the match, Bram walked away while Abyss was furious with Rosemary.
TNA Knockouts Champion Sienna w/Allie vs. Gail Kim vs. Marti Bell vs. Jade
Marti Bell, Jade, and Gail Kim all made their entrances. As Sienna made her way to the ring, Kim jumped her in the aisle way.
This was really good as well. All four women worked really hard. Bell and Sienna were exchanging shots in the middle of the ring when Kim and Jade hit missile dropkicks on both Bell and Sienna, followed up by sliding dropkicks.
Jade and Kim went one on one for a few moments. Sienna put Kim on her shoulders and Jade hit Kim with a knee and apparently her foot hit Sienna on the top of the head as well.
Finish came when Kim had Bell beat but Allie broke up the pin. Kim went to take out Allie with a dive when Sienna hit the Silencer out of nowhere to win the match and retain the title.
– Now we go back to the Hardy home for dinner. Broken Matt, King Maxel, and Rebecca had a lavish dinner and sat around the table.
Matt asked Maxel to pass the green beans. Matt and Rebecca spoke to Maxel as if he was responding. Matt spoke Spanish with his servant but she’s Romanian and Matt said, “wonderful!”.
Matt had his assistant take down notes but all he wrote was “Delete” in large letters.
– Backstage, Lashley says he wants Richards at ringside to see Lashley beat Edwards and rip the heart out of the X Division.
– Inside the Impact Zone, Reby with her son strapped to her back introduced Broken Matt. The crowd chanted “We Want Jeff” and Matt said that name didn’t exist anymore and he deleted him. Matt reminded us that he owns the “Hardy” name.
Matt brings out Jeff one last time. Matt said no music and no fanfare for Jeff. As Jeff came down to the ring Reby kept yelling “Obsolete” which seemed very similar to a scene from Game of Thrones.
Matt informed Jeff that his contract was terminated and told him to leave.
Matt stopped him and said Jeff will just change his name and try to go to New Japan, ROH, or WWE. Instead, Matt is going to keep Jeff in TNA and make him his “Obsolete Mule”. Once again, Matt screamed “Delete” over and over to end the segment.
– In the back, The Miracle and Maria are looking for Edwards and promise to ruin Destination X. DJ Z interrupts and challenges Miracle to a match.
“The Miracle” Mike Bennett w/ “The First Lady of Pro Wrestling” Maria Kanellis-Bennett vs. DJ Z
DJ Z is pulling double duty after winning a multi-person ladder match earlier. Maria distracted DJ Z and Bennett jumped him to start to match.
This was a good match and DJ Z pulled off some more impressive moves. This was a competitive match as well and made both guys look pretty good. Miracle tried to leave but Braxton Sutter, Mandrews, and The Helms Dynasty came out and prevented him.
Mathews said they might not like each other but will come together as the X Division. Sutter threw Bennett back in the ring and DJ Z pinned Bennett.
Post-match, Bennett freaked out about his loss and promised to burn TNA to the ground and said that he’s not going to do it alone.
– Backstage, Galloway is on his way to the ring and says he’s going to have a fight with EC3.
– In the back, The Miracle was on the phone with someone and told that person to come to the Impact Zone tonight. He once again promised to burn TNA to the ground.
Drew Galloway vs. Ethan Carter III in a Street Fight
Galloway comes to the ring and calls out EC3 for a fight. Neither is dressed in their gear and instead they fight in jeans.
This was a good brawl and they fought all over ringside. They fought backstage into the interview set where referees and wrestlers tried to split them up.
– In the locker room, Richards and Edwards discussed tonight’s title match. Its taken Edwards a long time to get this opportunity. Richards wishes he could be in there with him but he’ll be there at ringside.
TNA World Champion “The Destroyer” Bobby Lashley vs. TNA X Division Champion Eddie Edwards w/Davey Richards
These two put on a great main event. Lashley dominated Edwards in the early moments of the match. Lashley went for a suplex but Edwards countered into a sleeper.
Edwards went for a plancha but Lashley caught him, however Edwards escaped. Lashley hit a sick looking belly-to-belly suplex on the ramp.
Back from commercial, Lashley is still in control of the match. Edwards made a comeback hitting a series of chops. Edwards countered a powerslam attempt into a DDT. Lashley charged but Edwards sent him to the outside and hit three suicide dives onto Lashley.
Mathews points out that it seems that one of Lashley’s eyes is swelling shut. Edwards went for a top rope hurricanrana but Lashley tried to counter, however Edwards pulled off the move anyway.
Edwards set up for the Boston Knee Party but Lashley caught him in a powerslam and Edward’s feet knocked down referee Brian Hebner.
Lashley grabbed the title belt but Richards came in. Richards hit a brainbuster and Edwards hit a superkick for a very close nearfall. The Miracle came out and attacked the referee to end the match.
Suddenly, former ROH star Moose made his surprise TNA debut. Moose took out The Wolves including powerbombing Edwards on the apron.
Moose and Lashley faced off. Miracle gave Lashley a low blow and Moose knocked Lashley out. Miracle and Moose celebrated.
– In the back, Mitchell interviewed Dixie again. Dixie was furious because of what just happened.
She announced that next week TNA World champion Bobby Lashley takes on X Division champion Eddie Edwards in a rematch, which will take place inside of the Six Side of Steel Cage to ensure a winner.
Next Time on Impact:
Next week on Impact, TNA World champion Bobby Lashley will battle TNA X Division champion Eddie Edwards in a Six Side of Steel Cage match.
Also, The Bound For Glory Playoff begins and will feature EC3, Drew Galloway, Eli Drake, Jeff Hardy, Mike Bennett, Broken Matt Hardy, Bram, and James Storm.
Don’t forget, next week’s Impact starts on its new night at 8 pm on Thursday, July 21st.