President Donald Trump complained on Sunday about two “stollen” years in office, and Twitter users took him to the bakery over the typo.
Trump initially retweeted one of his evangelical supporters who claimed the president should get two extra years in office as “reparations” for special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation:
Trump then added his own tweet ― complete with the typo:
Trump later deleted the tweet and posted a new one without the typo. He also deleted a tweet in which he misspelled “Kentucky” as “Kentuky.”
Trump’s complaint of two “stollen” years ― and his sharing of Falwell’s tweet demanding two extra years ― came as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) warned that the president may not leave office voluntarily even if he loses the 2020 election.
“We have to inoculate against that, we have to be prepared for that” by ensuring he suffer a decisive defeat at the ballot box, Pelosi told The New York Times.
But on Twitter, the word #Stollen trended on Sunday because Trump’s typo featured a type of fruit bread served in Germany at Christmastime, which is similar to the fruit breads shared in other parts of Europe during the holidays: