Steel is the most widely used metal in the world today and offers a great balance of material properties at a good cost. But when steel, at a density of 7.8g/cm³, is too heavy for the application, product designers must turn to one of the lighter materials available. While many plastics are available to lighten…
Month: February 2025
Nouryon begins full-scale production at US-plant
Nouryon has started the full-scale production at its new expandable microspheres plant in Green Bay, Wisconsin, US. According to company information, the launch of the new plant is an important milestone to better serve specialty additives customers in North America in the packaging, construction, mining, and automotive industries, and complements the Company’s existing full-scale plant…
CY7C1565KV18-500BZXC Electronic Components
The CY7C1565KV18-500BZXC Electronic Components is 1.8-V synchronous pipelined SRAM, equipped with QDR II+ architecture. Similar to QDR II architecture, QDR II+ architecture consists of two separate ports: the read port and the write port to access the memory array.Depth expansion is accomplished with port selects, which enables each port to operate independently. The read port…
Ancient Chinese Costume Hanfu Dress Cosplay Women
Fashion Hanfu Ancient Chinese Costume Ming Dynasty Hanfu Dress Female Name: Ancient Chinese Costume Ming dynasty Hanfu Women Product Category: Chinese Hanfu Dress Style: Traditional Clothing Suitable For Occasion:School Festival/Outfit/Photographing Concert/Cosplay Color: As picture Package Included: One Long Vest (Bijia) One Long Shirt One Skirt Keyword: Sanitary pads Raw Material
Start Your Gold Savings With Our Special GOLD FRIDAY Offer
It's GOLD FRIDAY, which means it’s time to get excited about gold and precious metals! With our exclusive offer, you can get your hands on some of the world’s finest gold bars – the famous Lady Fortuna. So what do you get? Keyword: Baby Diaper Material Manufacturers
IMPJAR Blueberry, Raspberry Pomegranate 50ml Shortfill
Description IMPJAR BLUEBERRY RASPBERRY & POMEGRANATE SHORTFILL IMPJAR Blueberry, Raspberry & Pomegranate is a delightful blend of juicy blueberries, tangy raspberries and sweet pomegranate, creating a perfectly balanced taste for fruit enthusiasts.Venture through IMPJAR’s extensive range of shortfill e-liquids, including fruity and unique collaborations with Lucky Thirteen, Zeus Juice, Wick Liquor and Doozy Vape. Free…
How Does the Construction Industry Benefit From 3D Walkthrough Animations?
Advantages of 3D walkthrough A 3D Walkthrough is a visual representation of architectural designs in the form of animated videos that can allow users to view the building’s interior and exterior. This technology has already made its mark in the construction and designing industries. Technological advancements have been shaping methodologies over the years. By integrating…
又到了每年七月份、八月份的颱風旺季,颱風總是會帶來大量的降雨和強勁的風力,造成房舍的破壞,尤其是遇到中強颱,若沒有做些基本的防颱準備,很可能帶來程度不小的危險。颱風來襲雖然讓大家帶來不便,但要平安度過颱風天,其實只要在颱風前做好基本的防颱措施,便能降低颱風帶來的災害影響。保護居家安全、避免颱風天帶來的財產損失,租租通居家防颱小學堂教你幾個小原則。 一、固定門窗減少破壞 租屋常常會遇到相對老舊的房屋,門窗通常不是選用新式較堅固的強化、膠合玻璃,如果住處是一般的玻璃,遇上颱風天時,可以用封箱膠帶保護門窗,增加玻璃的支撐強度,避免強風灌入或是雨水滲入。或把窗簾放下,並用夾子固定住,萬一玻璃遭吹破時能有效阻擋爆裂物。 二、將陽台雜物移入室內 戶外陽台及露臺是颱風首當其衝的區域,雖然它可以做為風雨進到室內的一個緩衝區域,但相對的,陽臺的抗颱處理就要特別注意。居家綠化常在陽臺放置許多盆栽、室外休閒桌椅、或是洗衣機和脫水機等家電、曬衣用品等等,在颱風來臨前,這些陽臺物品最好都要移進室內,如果是較大型不方便入內的物品,就要原地加強固定,電器鋪上大張帆布遮擋保護時,記得要把帆布固定緊實,避免遭風吹落地傷到人。 三、儲存民生必需品 飲用水、乾糧食物(如:泡麵、罐頭、餅乾))、生活必需品一定要準備!除了乾糧的雜貨,耐放的根莖類蔬菜,如馬鈴薯、胡蘿蔔、洋蔥等也可以多準備一些,如果災情嚴重一點以致斷電不方便烹煮時,還有餅乾之類的乾糧可以撐著幾天。 颱風來臨前,大家務必要關注颱風走向和影響程度,如果預測將是高度破壞性的災情,在民生用品上可以準備3~5天的量,尤其是飲用水和日常用水,颱風過後帶來的泥沙可能會影響到水質,所以礦泉水都可以多儲備幾瓶,家裡的浴缸、水桶也都可以儲存日常用水,除了避免飲用水用盡,也能用來洗澡、沖馬桶。 颱風來襲時,如果電線桿被風雨毀損,便會造成部分地區停電,所以手電筒、行動電源、各式電池在颱風來之前都要先準備好,停電時可以用手電筒和電池型的LED燈來照明,避免使用蠟燭而造成火災,尤其是行動電源一定要是可立即充電,以便必要求助時可以隨時跟外界聯繫上。 四、居家環境除濕 雨季時往往會被悶熱潮濕的空氣搞得心情煩躁,尤其是颱風天只能待在室內的時候,如果住在比較不通風的環境,除濕機就是這個時候最能有效去除潮濕的必備家電,可以在家裡準備一台,給自己一個較舒適的室內環境。 五、防水患來襲 若居住的地方是在可能淹水的房屋,可以在門口擺放沙包,最內層可先鋪上防水布,再往上堆疊沙包,以免積水滲漏。堆疊的方式可分為「人字形」和「磚牆形」,利用以上兩種堆疊方式使沙包更有支撐力,沙包的高度以過去淹水高度的1.5-2倍為準。颱風來臨前,清理水溝,以免堵塞造成積水。 六、房東和房客租屋修繕應盡的義務 按租賃專法規定,房屋修繕原則上是由房東負責的,房客發現房屋缺失並要求修繕時,房東也要儘速著手或請人修繕。當然房客平常也要養成良好的居住習慣,維持房子的正常使用狀況,如維持排水孔及水管暢通,陽臺走廊不隨意堆放雜物;出遠門前應做好基本防護措施,若房屋有問題儘快通知房東修繕。若房屋因風災(非人為因素)而受損了,例如屋頂破洞、門窗毀壞等,房東必須負責修繕房屋。 颱風天沒事不出門,避免登山、溯溪、垂釣及捕魚等活動,隨時關注颱風的最新動態,了解颱風動向,保持與朋友、鄰居聯繫,分享訊息並互相支援,隨時注意屋況及自身安全! Keyword: 室內設計
3D Printing Fits the Mold Injection Process – Mayco Internationa
Jul 03/19 5 Ways 3D Printing Fits the Mold Injection Process Are you looking for some unique and high-quality products? Then the use of 3D printed injection molds will ensure that you have only the best products on the market. The global market for injection molded plastics is valued at $325 billion. The global market for 3D…
Rennes after Majeed Waris
According to our colleagues at L’Équipe, Ligue 1 side Rennes have identified Trabzonspor attacker Majeed Waris as their priority in attack for the remainder of this summer transfer window. The Ghanaian previously enjoyed a successful loan spell in Ligue 1 with Valenciennes. Click Here: cheap adidas men shoes