The “Charismatic Enigma” has been confirmed for this week’s historic WWE Raw 25th Anniversary special, but the question is, exactly which version of the former world champion will the fans be treated to on Monday night?
Woken Matt Hardy made the announcement during a Q&A session on Facebook this Sunday, claiming that he has made “very special arrangements for the NEFARIOUS Brother Nero to be in attendance”.
Fans haven’t seen Jeff Hardy on television since September, when he suffered a shoulder injury that has kept him on the bench ever since. He did make a rare appearance at the WWE Starrcade live event in November alongside his brother, but it never aired on Raw or the WWE Network.
It’s been speculated and even reported on for months now that when Jeff does return to TV full-time, it’s likely he’ll do so as some version of the “Brother Nero” character he developed on Impact Wrestling during the “Broken Universe” saga that has now arrived in WWE. Woken Matt did say he was “sprinkling agua from the Lake of Reincarnation” on Jeff’s injured shoulder, but he also referred to Jeff by his real name in the video, so it’s really anyone’s guess at this point. Heck, every time we see him interact with the Lake of Reincarnation he seems to come back as a totally different, even more bizarre character (see: Willow or Itchweed).
Which very of the Charismatic Enigma do you want to see on Monday Night Raw this week?