In its second week on ITV, the new World of Sport Wrestling show took in 609,000 viewers, which is sizeable drop from the 1.2 million viewers who tuned in for the series premiere.
As noted, the fate of the new show will likely be determined within the next few episodes, based on how well the show does or does not perform.
Señor Benjamin Thanks Fans
Matt Hardy’s father-in-law Señor Benjamin took to Twitter over the weekend to thank fans for the birthday wishes, as seen below:
Wow my friends broken universe is the best GRACIAS!!!!.
— Señor Benjamin (@BenjaminSenor) August 5, 2018
Woken Word of the Week
In related news, below is Matt Hardy’s “Woken Word of the Week”:
GIMME AN OL’ RE-TWEET if you wanna learn what “PUSILLANIMOUS” means..
It’s #WOKEN Word of the Week time!
Click Here: custom stamp die mould
— #WOKEN Matt Hardy (@MATTHARDYBRAND) August 5, 2018