— Money in the Bank is officially released today on DVD. Click here to view the artwork, which is an image of CM Punk celebrating his championship victory over John Cena.
— D.H. Smith (Harry Smith), who was recently released by WWE, is now accepting bookings for independent wrestling events. Requests can be sent to Kirk White of Big Time Wrestling via e-mail at [email protected] or via phone at 510-494-9648.
— Though not officially announced, Michael Cole will be a playable character in THQ’s upcoming WWE ’12 video game.
— Reuters has published an article stating that actress Jennifer Love Hewitt, who attended WWE’s SummerSlam VIP Kick-Off Party last Thursday at the Andaz Hotel in Los Angeles, California, broke one of Hollywood’s unwritten rules: No dancing.
The article notes that the Hollywood starlet danced for over an hour at the event. She was also seen dancing with Hornswoggle.
*PHOTO* of Hornswoggle dancing with Jennifer Love Hewitt ->