This week’s RAW starts with the fans screaming wildly.
Okay, they’re starting the WWE Championship Match, right now! The strap is displayed by the ring, over next to announce. It looks like the regular spinner belt locked, but they have a number of them on hand.
WWE Championship Match – Rey Mysterio vs. Miz
Rey out to the ring as the fans go wild. Rey is in red and white. Rey nods down at King while posing in a corner. Miz out and looks really pumped up. Backstage the roster are all sitting/standing watching the ring on a monitor. King says that this is a sellout. Justin announces Miz, then Rey.
The bell and they circle. They lock up and Rey is backed into a corner. Miz finally lets go. I can’t tell if the chant is, “Miz is awesome” or “Miz is awful” or “this is awesome!” or “this is awful!” Side headlock on Rey into a shoulder block on Rey for two. A clothesline to Rey for two. Rey starts fighting back with a kick, then a sweet hurricanranna. Rey whipped, then kicks Miz. Miz catches Rey upside-down and slams him snake eyes. Miz hits his signature clothesline on Rey for two.
Miz stomps Rey in the center of the ring. Knees to the back of Rey. Chinlock on Rey in the center of the ring. Cole rips on Rey’s mask. High knee to Rey for two. A kick to Rey’s ribs and he rolls on the mat. Miz chokes Rey on a second rope. Rey starts fighting back, but is then sent sliding from the ring. Rey up, but then eats a baseball slide. Still can’t tell what the chant is, sorry!
Miz tries to take it to Rey on the apron, Rey moves and Miz hits the metal stairs. King then says that the chant for Miz isn’t ‘awesome’ but ‘awful!’
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Chinlock on Rey in the center of the ring. Rey to his feet and elbows free, but then to a backbreaker and a slam on Rey for two. Miz covers again for two, then goes back to the chinlock. Knees to Rey’s gut, then he’s whipped, but Rey wiggles free of Miz and sends Miz into the corner shoulder first. Both are briefly down. Rey climbs and rides Miz in a seated senton. Lateral press to Miz for two. Rey rolls through on Miz, but Miz ducks the kick and takes down Rey for two. Miz looks a bit upset. Rey ducks one kick, but then eats the next big boot, but only for two. Miz is seething. Rey kicks at Miz, then rolls Miz through for a long two.
Knee to Rey’s ribs, but Rey frees himself from Miz. Rey sets Miz up, but Miz avoids the 619. Miz gets Rey up, bounces him off the top rope and into a sit down power bomb! Miz is stalking Rey in a corner. Miz tries to set up for the SCF, but Rey fights it. Rey ends up hung up in the corner as the ref pulls Miz off. Miz runs at Rey, but Rey sits up and Miz is left holding that same knee. Rey sets up and hits his 619. Rey off the corner onto Miz for three.
Winner & new WWE Champ – Rey Mysterio
Backstage some of the roster cheers for Rey. Rey celebrates in the ring with the strap. Rey gets down and heads for another corner, but Miz attacks from behind. Miz hobbles off, but Rey is left on the mat.
Alberto Del Rio comes out, case in hand. He slams it around a bit on announce, but then Rey flies out onto ADR. ADR grabs his case and flees. ADR on the ramp with his case as Rey celebrates in the ring. Video replay of the 619, then Rey flying for the three. The fans are wild and loving Rey with the strap.
Cole talks about how Triple H took over last week and that Trip is here for the State of The WWE speech. King says things feel great backstage with Trip in charge, but also of unpredictability.
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Video recap of Rey defeating Miz for the WWE Title.
Backstage people are celebrating with Rey – the faces, including Ryder. Champagne all over Rey, then Cena shook his hand. Josh says Rey should feel great on tow with his first WWE Title. Rey says it’s about choices. He spent a lot of time away from home, but he’s coming back with the gold. Santino started the champagne flying all over Rey again.
King and Cole set up for the Trip replacing VKM video from last week’s RAW. Beautifully cut video to show how choked up Trip was and how VKM fell apart, right down to, “I love you Pop, and I’m sorry.” Then the chants thanking VKM.
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WWE Rewind – Last month Dolph beat Kofi with a sleeper after Vickie’s interference.
Dolph Ziggler w/ Vickie vs. Evan Bourne
Dolph out with the US Title on his waist and Vickie in tow. Evan out to face him.
They lock up. Side headlock on Evan. Shoulder block drops Dolph. Dolph runs the ropes over and under Evan, but then into a drop kick. Outside the ring and a kick to Dolph’s thigh. Back in and more blows to the leg. Dolph avoids Evan’s kicks and takes him down for two. Dolph stomps Evan in a corner. Evan out into a drop kick from Dolph. Chinlock on Evan in the center of the ring. Evan works to his feet, then elbows out. Knees to Evan’s gut. Huge “Vickie sucks!” chants break out! Dolph gets Evan up for a delayed vertical suplex, but Evan wiggles free. Evan moves and Dolph eats a corner. Kicks to Dolph’s legs, then Dolph runs into a couple drop kicks, then a clothesline. Evan eats a back elbow, but then a quick hurricanranna on Dolph for two!
Evan up high, but Dolph moves. Dolph lands on his feet, but Dolph immediately attacks. Dolph locks in his sleeper, then it’s over.
Winner – Dolph Ziggler
Dolph grabs a mic and he yells, “Follow THAT!” Dolph and Vickie up the ramp as Dolph is still crowing about someone trying to follow that!
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Bellas and Eve screeching at each other until Keith Stone steps up. Eve rips on the twins for switching out. Stone doesn’t like identity faud. He pulls Nikki to the side and when the camera turns back she has a huge Sharpied tattoo all up her arm.
Eve & Kelly vs. Maryse & Melina
Melina and Maryse in the ring talking. Melina in black, Maryse in white. Kelly and Eve come out. Kelly in gold, Eve in purple and gold.
Eve and Maryse lock up. Maryse face first to the mat. Maryse holds her nose, screeching. Eve sets up for her standing moonsault. Maryse looks up to see Eve’s badonkadonk, then realizes and moves over a little bit to be in position for the move! Knees on Maryse in a corner. Melina tries for a cheap attack from the apron. Maryse sorta kicks Eve in the back of the head and pins for two. Maryse hits a stink-face on Eve while taunting Kelly.
Melina tags in and slams her face first to the mat. Eve fights back and is able to tag out. Kelly mechanicall sets up and hits her Thesz press. Then licks her hand and slaps Melina on the bum. The problem is that Melina’s wearing pants, so it doesn’t matter if Kelly licked her hand! Sick looking neck breaker on Melina that looks a bit wrong. A slap to Maryse’s ass, then Kelly taunted Maryse by doing Maryse’s sexy move. Kelly takes Melina down, but Maryse breaks the count. Eve in to take Maryse out. Melina has the upper hand on Kelly, briefly, then Kelly takes her down for the three.
Winners – Eve & Kelly
Kelly and Eve celebrate and hug in the ring. Kelly poses on a corner to very little fan reaction.
Backstage R-Truth is chatting up Trip. King says Trip will be announcing a monumental return. Cole dares King to say it, but King won’t say the verboten name.
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King and Cole talk up Cee Lo for SummerSlam.
Triple H out to the ring in a rather ill fitting suit. Just doesn’t seem to sit right on his body, specifically his upper arms. While Trip looks around, all the lighting is rather DX green. He says before he starts, there’s one thing to get off his test from a personal and business standpoint. He’d like to acknowledge why they’re there, why this is a global success and why millions are watching around the world. It’s due to one man’s vision. One man’s pure genius! From the bottom of his heart, “Thank you Vince!” The chants start, so Trip holds up his mic for their cheers and chants.
But he’s not there to talk the past, but the future. Tonight they crowned a brand new WWE Champ. Congratulations to Rey Mysterio. Since Trip’s in charge he can do things a little differently. They’re going to have a second WWE Championship match here on RAW. Both men agree this match needs to take place, and tonight. That’s why Rey will defend against the man that was cheated out of his deserved rematch, tonight. It will be the new WWE Champ against John Cena. The fans aren’t that happy.
Trip says he likes this. This is fun. There’s one other thing bothering me lately. One name he keeps hearing. The WWE Universe – “CM Punk!” chants fill the arena. Well, Trip has taken it upon himself to contact that man and re-sign him. He’d like it if they helped Trip welcome him back to Rey.
JR’s music and he comes out! Cole looks like he’s about to puke! A new chair is slid in behind announce. King on his feet, the fans are wild. JR into the ring, hat off to the fans. Then JR over to announce. JR reaches to shake Cole’s hand. Trip appears to be wiping a tear from his eye. “You suck!” chants for Cole. Cole grabs a mic and stands up on announce. He calls Trip ‘sir’. No disrespect, but Trip talks about the future, this man’s the walking dead. The ‘What?’ breaks out. Cole says ever since WM. He’s done everything the company has asked of him. He even put King’s foot in his mouth. He’ll do anything with this company other than sit down and work with this fat hayseed. He won’t work with this two face, no one faced Oklahoma redneck! Cole then asks what, JR needs the money since his restaurants went belly up. He ate all the profits? He spent his career kissing VKM’s ass, now Trip’s ass too, right? JR couldn’t allow his ego to sit home. The only thing bigger than his ego is his gut. He won’t sit at that table and work with him. It won’t be done!
Trip tells Cole to not blow an ‘O’ ring. He says that his first inclination was to fire Cole and bring JR back. Fans love this! Trip says he looked into the contracts and it would cost more for Cole to leave than stay. Cole’s severance package is ridiculous. Who signed that is beyond Trip. The thing is if Cole wants to leave, but if Cole does, then he’s in breach of contract and will forfeit any future earnings. He knows he sprung this last minute, so in all fairness Cole can have the rest of the night off. If Cole shows for Smackdown, then he’ll know Cole decided to stay. If he doesn’t show for Smackdown, then Trip will wish him luck in his future endeavors.
Cole tells Trip to not get carried away. He’ll sit and do his job. But if Cole wants to stay, that’s fine. But he shouldn’t sit down as Trip told Cole he was relieved of his announce duties. If he sits, then he’ll be late for his match. This really gets Cole riled up about being undefeated at WM. Trip knew Cole didn’t have ring gear, so he personally picked some out for Cole and they’re in the trainers room. Better get back and get dressed. Time’s ticking and Cole’s next. Unless Cole wants to quit? Cole continues to run his mouth as he walks around announce.
R-Truth’s lack of music and he comes out. He asks about it being out with the old, in with the new. The man that was part of the conspiracy all along, is the man in the WWE. He then yells at them to not ‘What?’ him. R-Truth looks back over each shoulder and talks to people who aren’t there. R-Truth sees a new day, a new regime, etc, etc. What he really wants to know is – more looking over his shoulders. R-Truth wants to know what Trip will do for him? He says Little Jimmy cost him his match. Spiders and heights cost him the MITB case. R-Truth then looks over one shoulder and says, “You don’t like spiders.” Over the other shoulder, “And you don’t like heights.” What’s Trip going to do to rectify the conspiracy against the Truth?
Trip wants to know who R-Truth’s talking about. Back and forth banter about there not being anyone behind R-Truth, then R-Truth turns back and talks to them again! Trip doesn’t think it’s a joke – Trip then starts talking to his own invisible guys about R-Truth needing medication. Oh, made him mad, look at his eyes. Trip’s guy doesn’t like how one of R-Truth’s guys is eying him! R-Truth points to Trip and tells Trip that he’s crazy! They don’t exist. Trip says it’s like he’s insane right? Trip might be the game, but R-Truth’s not playing. R-Truth drops his mic and leaves. Trip tells them to all to stop. Trip talks to his invisible boys, then said he re-signed this guy who wants a piece of R-Truth.
JoMo’s music and he comes out and on R-Truth hard! Into the ring and R-Truth gets a blow in, but then JoMo tackles R-Truth hard, then hits starship pain. R-Truth rolls out, but hearing JoMo’s ire the whole time.
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Michael Cole vs. Zack Ryder
Cole out in Trip’s ring gear (looks really padded on the inside!), bottle of water and all. Cole spit on the stage, then on the apron. It’s an affront to my eyes. JR and King rip on Cole’s crappy tattoos. Ryder out as King tells how Ryder is an internet sensation. JR says he thinks he’s only seen Ryder once on RAW previously.
Cole reaches for a handshake, but is kicked, then slammed into a corner. ‘Woo, Woo, Woo!’ Ryder tried a leg drop riding Cole to the mat, but Cole lands terribly! Supposed to be a rough Ryder, but was a mess! The fans are loving Ryder! Ryder easily gets the three.
Winner – Ryder
Video from MITB. ADR and Kofi will face off tonight.
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WWE Slam of The Week – Last Monday Kofi defeats ADR in the Tourney.
Alberto Del Rio vs. Kofi Kingston
Justin announces Ricardo who announces ADR. ADR rolls out in a Rolls Royce Siver Cloud II. ADR out with his case. He puts it in the center of the ring and poses with a smile. Kofi comes bouncing out as he always does.
ADR on Kofi with kicks, then a snap mare. Drop kick to the back of Kofi’s head. Kofi lands on ADR, climbs over his body and pins ADR for two. Kofi clotheslines ADR from the ring. ADR up the ramp as Kofi is ready in the ring.
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Arm hold on Kofi in the center of the ring. ADR kicked Kofi off the top during commercial. ADR still on Kofi who punches free. Kicks to Kofi in a corner. The ref pulls ADR off. ADR rushes Kofi, Kofi moves and ADR is shoulder first into the post. Kofi off the top with an absolutely beautiful cross body for a long two. Double clotheslines from Kofi, then a high clothesline to ADR. Boom drop on ADR. Kofi holds his arm and sets up for his finisher, but ADR ducks it. ADR hits an arm bar takedown on Kofi for two. ADR rushes Kofi and ends up taking a kick. ADR tries to pin, Kofi reverses it and somehow ADR grabs the rope just before three. ADR hits his cross arm bar on Kofi, locks it in and it’s over.
Winner – ADR
ADR is back to crowing and showing off for the fans. Video of Kofi almost winning, but then ADR gains the upper hand and the win. Ricardo and ADR celebrate on the ramp together.
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Another video montage of Trip taking over for VKM. Trip will also be on Smackdown this week.
King is still all excited about JR being back on announce with him. JR sends it back to Josh who’s with Miz. Josh is cut off when he says Miz lost. Miz is not happy that Cena gets a rematch. This is all Cena’s fault that the Title went to ‘he who shall not be mentioned’. Trip brought in JR! Cena was to be fired, now Cena will face Rey? The WWE Champ can’t be a masked man, he can’t do talk shows! Miz drops a cheap pop for him being on Lopez this week. This is all Cena’s fault and he gets a Title shot?
Rey back out to the ring. Video of Rey defeating Miz earlier in the show.
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Next week will be a #1 Contender’s Divas Battle Royal.
WWE Championship Match – Rey Mysterio (c) vs. John Cena
Rey in the ring, waiting. King calls Cena the most controversial performer in the WWE (I don’t know how to take that!). Cena in the ring to mixed reaction.
Rey and Cena with a double fist bump. JR talks about not being able to mention the name of the person who left the WWE with the Title. Rey with a kick to Cena’s leg. Cena reaches for a lock, but another kick from Rey. Again with the kick, but more this time. Cena hits a light shoulder block on Rey for two. Cena pulls Rey up to kneeling on his shoulders. Rey climbs down and tries to pin. Rey slides between Cena’s legs to get behind and lock on a side headlock. Cena free, then Rey right back with the hold. Back suplex on Rey for a long one.
Rey with more kicks to Cena’s left thigh. Cena more than helped Rey hit a bulldog off three corners. Rey whipped, but moves and Cena eats the corner. Dueling chants of, “Let’s go Cena!” and “Cena sucks!” Cena leaves the ring to regroup. King talks Cena controversy through the chants. Rey comes off the top to take Cena down outside. More kicks to Cena, then Cena tries to send Rey into the stairs, but he lands lightly on his feet. Rey comes off the stairs, then eats a clothesline as King and JR are loving their seats for this. JR calls it a slobber knocker! Into the ring and a waistlock on Rey. Rey to his feet and somehow hits a DDT on Cena for two. Cena ducks a kick, then sets up for the STF, but Rey in the ropes. Shoulder block through the ropes on Cena, then hangs Cena up top. Rey in and pins Cena for two.
Cena in position, but Cena blocks the 619. Cena slams Rey for two. Cena’s pacing as Rey checks his knee. Cena rushes Rey, but Rey gets his feet up. Shoulder block to Rey, then Rey comes back for the second shoulder block with a drop kick! Both are down. Rey misses a moonsault, but lands on his feet. Rey reverses a move on Cena, but then eats a spine buster. Five knuckle shuffle from Cena, then Rey up, but Rey wiggles free. Rey tries for a cross body, but Cena catches him. Rey reverses and slams Cena. Another drop kick to Cena. Both are down.
Drop toe hold on Cena into the second buckle. Rey climbs and hits his seated senton for two. Cena tries for the STF, but Rey reverses the hold and locks on his own STF! Cena’s fading! He’s going to tap, but no! He’s fading! No, Cena to his feet, one leg. Then Cena gets free and Rey up on his shoulders, but that’s too much and Cena’s leg gives way. Rey is able to hit his 619! Rey is up to fly, but Cena’s knees were up, but he’s paying for it from the pain in his knee.
Cena uses the corner to get to his feet. Shoulder blocks to Cena in a corner. Dueling chants. Rey up for a hurricanranna, but Cena tosses Rey off – BADLY! Rey landed badly on his shoulder. Both are down again. Cena off the top with his leg drop, but somehow Rey is able to kick out! Both to their feet, Rey up for the AA, but Rey is free. Finally the AA and Cena gets the three.
Winner & new WWE Champ – Cena
Suddenly Cena is to his feet, not limping at all. Cena drops the strap to help Rey to his feet. They shake hands, then Cena raises Rey’s hand. Cena lets go and Rey crumbles to the mat. Cena has a bit of a limp all of a sudden.
Cult of Personality plays through the arena. But who is it? CM Punk comes out on stage with the strap around his waist! Cena looks up at Punk on the stage pacing. Then Punk walks down to the ring!
Punk on the apron, motions to his belt, then to Cena. Punk into the ring facing Cena. Cena raises his strap high – mixed reaction. Punk raises his, HUGE pop. Punk shows Cena that Punk’s name is on the strap he’s holding. Punk smiles and raises his strap again.
Biggest pop
Triple H
Biggest heat
Most mixed
Least reaction
Biggest laugh