— TNA will be taping two episodes of Impact this week at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida (today and tomorrow). The episodes will air on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. They’re taping the shows this week in order to get ahead for the holidays and give the crew some time off before next month’s huge European tour. Jay Lethal & Consequences Creed will be challenging the tag champions Beer Money Inc. in a match at this week’s tapings. Also, Al Snow is expected to appear at this week’s set of Impact tapings. He was backstage at last week’s shows, but wasn’t used.
— Former WWE star Al Snow appeared at TNA’s Final Resolution pay-per-view last week, distracting and slapping Mick Foley, the guest enforcer in the match between Kurt Angle and Rhino. Snow commented on his appearance in an interview with the Ottawa Sun.
“It was kind of like old-home week for me,” says Snow, who was in the Ottawa area doing a seminar for wrestlers for a couple of days. “It was exciting to be around the product again. I hope it evolves into something more or I wouldn’t waste my time by going there. TNA is right on the cusp of making an impact.”
Snow said he’s not worried if his appearance in TNA upsets Vince McMahon.
“Vince is a businessman,” says Snow. “If you’re not doing business with him, you look for work. It’s not like I’m being disloyal to Vince — holding him up for more money or jumping ship in the middle of an angle.”
Since his release from WWE earlier in the year, Snow has become an actor as he has a couple of movies and a possible TV series lined up. “I’d been contacted over the years about acting, but I didn’t pursue it,” he says. “When I was with OVW, I was working seven days a week already. Now that I’m doing it, I take the same approach as I did with wrestling: Experience is the best teacher. Acting is completely different. Professional actors are not actors, they’re reacters.”
You cam read the article at the following link.
— The Miami Herald has an interview with TNA wrestler Homicide and he talks about turning his life around to be a wrestler.
“As a youth, I was hanging out with a bad crowd,” Homicide said. “I was a gang banger, doing bad things, negative things.”
Homicide talked about tag team wrestling these days and believes things could be better.
“I’m a big fan of tag teams,” he said. “I’m a big fan of the 1980s and 90s tag teams. Right now the tag teams of this era are not doing as well. I feel the tag team division not only in TNA but all over needs to pick up the ball.” He added, “TNA has a great tag team division with great talents like Beer Money, the Motor City Machine Guns, us, of course, Jay Lethal and Creed. I can’t complain with the talent, but I got a funny feeling the division is dying down a little because the people are paying more attention to other stuff or the people don’t know enough about the tag team division. The tag team division is good, but it could be better.”
Homicide commented on where he wants to be in TNA, and problems with the company in the past.
“We want to be in a position like Kurt Angle, Sting, Booker T,” Homicide said. “A couple of times we had people with us like Konnan who was having troubles with the company, and that put us at the back of the bus. Hector Guerrero and we went to the back of the bus. The same thing with Shelly Martinez. I think she was the hottest girl in wrestling, and it didn’t go well, and we went to the back of the bus again.”
Homicide also comments on the TNA Knockouts, saying he has great respect for them.
“I’m highly respectful of the TNA Knockouts,” Homicide said. TNA has a great women’s division. You have the best talent. Awesome Kong, the name of awesome fits. You’ve got Roxxi, who’s awesome. You’ve got ODB, the Beautiful People, Taylor Wilde. There’s a reason they call them knockouts. They bust their butts. That’s what I like about these girls. They’re putting women’s wrestling on the map. I respect all the ladies, in Japan, the divas in WWE, but I highly respect the ladies in TNA because they’re doing something special. We have a great roster with the ladies.”
You can read the article in its entirety at the following link.
Find out which recently fired WWE star could be coming to TNA