The company’s move follows a similar move by biotech firm BASF, which stopped developing GM crops in the EU in 2012. However, as GM Freeze noted in a statement, “several other biotech companies have applications in the pipeline to cultivate GM crops in the EU, including Bayer, Syngenta and Dow.”

Greenpeace notes the company will also seek to continue sales of its controversial MON810 maize, which was already approved in Europe and is the last remaining GM crop grown there.

“The EU-wide authorization for the cultivation of MON810 is expiring at the end of a ten-year period and the safety of the crop is due to be reassessed. The company is permitted to continue to use MON810 in Europe until the European Commission announces its decision,” stated Greenpeace.

“Monsanto’s toxic presence in Europe has not gone away,” said Friends of the Earth’s Mute Schimpf. “They still plan to grow their main GM crop in Europe, seek to widen their control over conventional seeds and increase their sales of chemicals that pollute the countryside and our bodies.”


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