More evidence is set to come from the Canadian province of Ontario, where a pilot universal basic income program is set to launch in three cities.

“If we look at the evidence, we don’t have to be worried at all about huge reductions in work hours, or that people will be lazy,” Bregman said to Huffington Post Australia last month. “In fact, it’s to the contrary, especially for people living in poverty. They will have the means to get up and do something and contribute to the common good, and a lot of people not in poverty but in so called ‘bullshit jobs’ will be able to quit those jobs and do something that they consider to be fulfilling and useful,” he added.

Writing last month at the Guardian, Bregman likened universal basic income to “venture capital for the people”:

Bregman’s new talk comes amidst increasing inequality and as automation (read: computers and robots) takes over some lower-wage jobs, thus setting the stage to “amplify economic disparities.” 

Looking at a possible “robot uprising,” George Dvorsky, contributing editor at Gizmodo, wrote:

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