Applauding the Democratic Party’s proposed solutions as a “good start” toward confronting the widespread “abuse of a lax campaign finance system” and actually draining the “swamp” of corruption that Trump has only made worse, Patriotic Millionaires chair Morris Pearl argued that the fact “these proposals are even necessary shows just how low the standards for moral authority in Washington have sunk in the last two years.”

“The American people did not vote to allow government officials to get rich by selling access to government to the highest bidders.”
—Morris Pearl, Patriotic Millionaires

“The American people did not vote to allow government officials to get rich by selling access to government to the highest bidders,” Pearl said.

The Democrats’ slate of proposals come as polling data continues to show that Americans strongly support robust campaign finance reform efforts to curb the influence of the “few big interests” that dictate government policy.

They also come as the Trump administration’s open corruption—with budget chief Mick Mulvaney serving as just one of many egregious examples—has called attention to “pay-for-play” norms that have dominated Washington for decades.

“The system is broken in numerous ways, and only through bold leadership and strong practical systemic reforms can we begin to repair our democracy, and make it again something that Americans believe in and depend on,” Lisa Gilbert, Public Citizen’s vice president of legislative affairs, said in a statement. “If this package passes, cronyism, corruption, and far too much special interest money in our system will no longer be the norm.”

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