-Last week on Impact’s debut show on Pop TV, Ethan Carter III won the TNA World Heavyweight Title by defeating Matt Hardy in the finals on the World Title Series.
-Tonight, The Kurt Angle Farwell Tour kicks off as he battles it out with Drew Galloway for the first time ever. Also, the fallout from Awesome Kong turning on The Beautiful People and the reunion of Beer Money Inc. continues. Plus, The “Miracle” Michael Bennet and the First Lady of Wrestling, Maria Kannelis are expected to make an appearance.
The cameras will be following Kurt Angle around all night for Kurt Angle – All access tonight apart of the Kurt Angle Farewell Tour.
– Take it away Smashing Pumpkins! This opening theme is really growing on me.
– EC3 is starring into a mirror backstage with the TNA World Title. The slow tease of a Tyrus turn continues as he gives EC3 a cold look as he walks away.
EC3 powerwalks to the ring with the World title proudly draped across his shoulder. Jeff Hardy comes out. Jeff hands Tyrus a piece of paper and then makes a joke about Tyrus not being able to read. A “You can’t read” chant breaks out. Jeff Hardy gives EC3 a doctor note that clears him to wrestler. He challenges EC3 for a match tonight but gets denied. EC3 asks Bob Ryder in the back to send out a young star to face Jeff. A guy in a mask comes out and EC3 sings his entrance music.
Jeff Hardy vs. “Master of Motion” Shyron
EC3 and Tyrus join Josh on commentary. Hardy sends Shyron to the outside but he balances on the apron. SHyron is mostly going for high spots. Shyron goes for a what looks like a springboard cross body from the apron into the ring but rolls through and hits a hand stand back flip off the ropes into an elbow attempt ala Tajir, however, Shyron misses. Jeff easily beats him with a twist of fate in basically a squash match. EC3 applauds.
– Backstage, JB interviews The Dollhouse and Awesome Kong seems to be a new member and the new leader. Beautiful People show up and call them the “Doghouse.” This leads to a brawl.
The Dollhouse vs. The Beautiful – Street Fight
Josh explains that this is a tag match between four of the girls but because it’s a street fight anybody can get involved. They brawl around ringside including Velvet hitting a sick looking suplex on Jade on the outside. Jade throws in series of weapons, such as, kendo sticks, trash cans and chairs. The crowd is flat for this match despite all the weapons. Jade uses a small packaged cradle piledriver on Madison for the win.
Beer Money Beer Bash
Beer Money comes out for their reunion celebration but Eric Young interrupts. EY says he and Bram aren’t’ friends. Strom tells EY to get on his knees and suck on his beer bottle.
King of the Mountain Champion Bobby Roode vs. Eric Young
EY and Roode have a probably worked with each other so much it would be hard for them not to have a good match. Roode had the match won after a Roode bomb but Bram pulled the referee out of the ring. Storm and Roode double-team Bram. Beer Money went to do their Beer Money Signature when EY throws Strom out of the ring and low blows Roode. EY hits the piledriver for the win and is the new King of the Mountain.
– Mr. Anderson promotes his brand new interview segment, “Huh?”. His first guest tonight is Matt Hardy.-After the break, JB interviews Dixie Carter about their upcoming U.K Tour. There was a U.K. fan poll to bring in an U.K. talent for their upcoming tour. Dixie has decided to bring in all of the three finalists for the tour. The U.K. wrestlers are Big Damo, Jimmy Havoc and Will Ospreay.
– Backstage, “Miracle” Michael Bennet and Maria meet with TNA World Champ EC3. They’re teasing a feud between the two, which is a very promising feud if TNA pulls the trigger on it.
Mr. Anderson Interview Segment – Huh??!! – Guest: Matt Hardy. Reby Sky and Maxell
Mr. Anderson host his very first of Huh??!! They start playing weird elevator music that does not fit with his character. The set consists of a black sofa, chair and table that looks like it was from Ikea. Matt’s wife and son are out there with him. Matt said he was going to make EC3 and an offer he couldn’t refuse.
X Division Champion Tigre Uno & TNA Tag Team Champions The Wolves vs. DJ Z, Jesse Godderz and Eli Drake
DJ Z is in trouble early in the match but every time he goes for a tag his partners weren’t there. DJ Z gets the advantage briefly and Jesse tags himself in. Tigre and The Wolves quickly regain the advantage. Jesse accidently knocked down DJ Z. Jesse locks on the Adonis crab but DJ Z turns on Jesse and hits him with a superkick. Tigre and The Wolves pick up the win.
– EC3 calls out Matt Hardy to hear his offer. Matt’s offer is that he will leave TNA if he can’t beat EC3 in one more match. Next week they’ll face off in a Last Man Standing Match for the title.
Drew Galloway vs. Kurt Angle
This was the first match in the Kurt Angle farewell tour. This was a great match. Kurt Angle put on his typical show stealing performance and Drew Galloway is able to hang with him. Kurt locked on the ankle lock several times. Kurt hit a belly-to-belly suplex on the outside into the guardrail in a sick look spot. Drew had several near falls at the end. Kurt hits an Angle slam off the top rope for the win.
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Final Thoughts
It was a good show this week with the clear highlight being the main event. Kurt Angle’s farewell tour is very intriguing and the possibility of great matches is exciting. On next week’s show, we get Matt Hardy vs. EC3 in a career vs. title Last Man Standing match.