At least three girls of a school in Jhabua district of Madhya Pradesh were slapped by their fellow students allegedly 168 times as part of punishment given by a science teacher for failing to complete their homework. The Jawahar Navodaya Residential School, situated in Thandla tehsil, described it as a ‘friendly punishment’ meted out by…
Month: March 2020
Poland blocks energy roadmap
Poland blocks energy roadmap Member states unable to back roadmap because of Polish opposition. European Voice By Dave Keating 6/15/12, 9:02 AM CET Updated 4/23/14, 9:17 PM CET European Union energy ministers have been unable to agree a common position on an energy roadmap to 2050 because of opposition from Poland. It is the second…
‘Perfect opportunity for a European breakaway league’ – Champions League winner Fletcher fires postponement warning
The former Manchester United midfielder believes any plans to complete league schedules by cancelling cup competitions could backfire massively If efforts are made to cancel Champions League competition in 2020-21 then a “perfect opportunity” will present itself for a breakaway European Super League to be formed, says former Manchester United midfielder Darren Fletcher. The ex-Scotland…
David Beckham, maître-queux?
Pendant que Madame fait flamber la carte bleue, monsieur, lui, joue les cordons bleus. Mitonne-la comme Beckham. Non content de titiller la balle, et d’afficher dix ans de mariage avec une brune épicée, le coq a décidé de se perfectionner côté poêles et condiments. Dans ce but, ce fils d’un vendeur de cuisine et d’une…
Cinéma: un ticket pour les sans-papiers
Un court-métrage de 3 minutes sera projeté ce soir à Paris sous le parrainage de cinéastes de renom, dont le très actif , pour mobiliser les Français sur le sort des sans-papiers. L’univers des salles obscures a décidé de mettre en lumière le sort des sans-papiers. Une nouvelle campagne du Collectif Des Cinéastes Pour Les…
Céline Dion: R’né la trouve dépensière!
René Angelil est en tournée de promo en France pour son livre autobiographique intitulé Derrière Le Conte De Fées où il fait d’amusantes révélations mais aussi évoque le courageux combat de son couple pour avoir un autre enfant. “René-Charles adore aller à la Cité des sciences. Mais quand on est ici, Céline coûte . Elle…
Edouard Baer dirige Vincent Lacoste et Leïla Bekhti… au théâtre !
Vincent Lacoste et Leïla Bekhti seront à l’affiche de la nouvelle pièce de théâtre mise en scène par Edouard Baer, “A la française”. La pièce sera jouée à partir du 21 septembre au Théâtre Marigny. Vincent Lacoste et Leïla Bekhti feront bientôt leurs premiers pas au théâtre sous la direction d’Edouard Baer ! La pièce…
Rs 40 Lakh Worth Of Food Saved & Distributed To The Homeless, Thanks To Dabbawalas Of Mumbai
It’s 2018 and for most people eating a meal out of a ‘Dabba’ may seem too antiquated, but for millions who live in Mumbai,Dabbawalas are synonymous with home. Read more:Dabbawalas Ensure That No One Stays Hungry In Aamchi Mumbai, Here’s How They Do It Click Here: NRL Telstra Premiership Lighthouse People who leave home in…
Romanians to vote on Basescu’s future
Click:hair extension Romanians to vote on Basescu’s future Battle between prime minister and president comes to a head. European Voice By Toby Vogel 7/25/12, 10:30 PM CET Updated 4/12/14, 11:33 PM CET Romanian voters will decide on Sunday (29 July) whether to remove President Traian Basescu from office. The referendum was triggered on 6 July,…
Can the ECB save the single currency?
Can the ECB save the single currency? The European Commission hopes that expanding the powers of the European Central Bank will help restore confidence in the eurozone European Voice By Ian Wishart 9/12/12, 8:50 PM CET Updated 4/12/14, 11:41 PM CET The European Commission has unveiled plans for the European Central Bank to become the…