Two policemen were killed on Tuesday after militants opened fire at a Srinagar hospital that allowed a suspected Pakistani militant to escape, police said. Naveed Jatt and five other detainees were being brought to Srinagar’s government-run Shri Maharaja Hari Singh Hospital when one of the prisoners “snatched weapons from police and fired at the protection…
Month: February 2020
Lana Del Rey: le féminisme, non merci
Interviewée par le magazine Fader, à quelques jours de la sortie de son nouvel album Ultraviolence, Lana Del Rey a réagi aux critiques féministes parfois faites à l’encontre de ses chansons ou de ses clips (on y voit souvent des hommes la tenir par la gorge) : pour elle, le féminisme est un concept sans…
Katie Holmes, sexy pour Glamour US
Katie Holmes est en couverture du Glamour américain pour son numéro du mois d’août. La jeune femme y apparaît tout en sobriété: topless et vêtue de jean. L’ex-compagne de Tom Cruise revient plus sexy que jamais dans le numéro d’août du Glamour américain, à paraître à la mi-juillet. Katy Holmes, 35 ans et mère depuis…
Rumer Willis furieuse d’avoir été photoshopée
Modèle dans le catalogue printemps été 2015 de la marque new yorkaise Franziska Fox, Rumer Willis a peu goûté aux retouches qui ont été faites sur ses photos. Elle a poussé un coup de gueule dans le magazine Us Weekly. « C’est n’importe quoi! C’est inacceptable car ça n’est pas du tout l’image que je…
Gwyneth Paltrow Launches Podcast to Help Men Fight 'Toxic Masculinity'
Actress Gwyneth Paltrow has launched a podcast aimed at helping men push back against so-called “toxic masculinity,” as part of a series of new products for her controversial lifestyle brand Goop. The new podcast, named “Goopfellas,” will reportedly focus on helping men achieve their personal health transformation, whether they be physical, mental, or both. “It…
Juncker rejects cutting EU funds to Poland
President of European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker | John Thys/AFP via Getty Images Juncker rejects cutting EU funds to Poland European Commission president says he is not in a ‘militant mood.’ By Judith Mischke 1/9/18, 5:04 PM CET Updated 1/9/18, 10:26 PM CET European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said he rejects the idea of cutting EU…
Jay Leno: College Cheating Scandal the 'Legal Definition' of White Privilege
Late-night legend Jay Leno said the scandal over parents, many of them Hollywood figures and CEOs, cheating their children’s way into elite colleges was the “legal definition” of white privilege. “(T)his stupid college thing that’s going on, that just broke this week–that is the ultimate… you know, I always hear the term ‘white privilege,’ and what…
Martin Selmayr scandal gets another week on boil
EU Commission President Jean Claude Juncker (center) arrives with his Chief of Cabinet Martin Selmayr (right) on June 11, 2015 at the European Union headquarters in Brussels | John Thys/AFP via Getty Images Martin Selmayr scandal gets another week on boil European Parliament inquest threatens to add to toll for the Juncker Commission. By David…
Jerome Hudson to Don Cheadle 'You Will Not Silence This Black Man'
Breitbart News’s Jerome Hudson spoke at Candace Owens’ Blexit rally in Richmond, Virginia, on Sunday, where he told an audience that actor Don Cheadle has been put on notice for promoting a radical far-left organization dedicated to destroying Breitbart News. “You will not silence this black man,” said Hudson. “Hollywood and the establishment media are…
How to watch the Brexit battle for EU agencies like a pro
POLITICO photo-illustration How to watch the Brexit battle for EU agencies like a pro The EU’s medicines and banking agencies are leaving London. Here’s POLITICO’s guide to how their new homes will be decided. By Carmen Paun 11/15/17, 9:00 AM CET Updated 11/20/17, 7:24 PM CET EU affairs ministers and national ambassadors will vote Monday…