Tuesday on ABC’s “The View,” co-host Joy Behar said given Republican lawmakers are silent as the Trump administration stonewalls Congress, they should all be “thrown in jail.”
During the discussion about former White House counsel Don McGahn not attending a House hearing, Behar said, “This is an unbelievable corrupt president, corrupt administration, and the Republican Party is right behind him, and they all should be thrown into jail as far as I’m concerned.”
She added, “Lock ’em up!”
Co-host Meghan McCain pushed back saying “You’re clearly frustrated this morning. And you’re saying to the American public that all Republicans holding office should be in jail, so I want to know —”
Behar said, “Well, you know, it’s what you call, hyperbole.”
McCain shot back, “It doesn’t sound that way to the Republican at the table for what it’s worth. It sounds a little aggressive.”
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