Trump mocks protester’s ‘serious weight problem’ before kicking him out of New Hampshire rally
President Donald Trump made fun of a protester’s “serious weight problem” – and implied he lived with his mother – at an election rally in Manchester, New Hampshire, triggering a tidal wave of #Resistance offense-taking.
“That guy’s got a serious weight problem. Go home, start exercising,” Trump observed after the protester’s attempt at heckling the president was drowned out by chants of “USA! USA!” from the crowd. “He’s got a bigger problem than I do! Got a bigger problem than all of us,” he continued.
While Trump continued his speech without giving a second thought to the allegedly portly protester – who, alas, cannot be spotted in video footage of the event, leaving one “fact” the president’s detractors are unable to check – Twitter didn’t let it go so easily.
A few people brought up the president’s unorthodox theories about exercise. “He’s anti-exercise; said it could shorten your life,” one tweeter recalled, while another suggested he “wants the protester to wear down his battery unlike Trump who has avoided exercise so he’s fully charged.”
Multiple reports suggest the president believes humans are, “like a battery,” born with a finite amount of energy which exercise would obviously deplete.
Most, however, stuck to pointing out Trump’s own girth. “No mirrors in the White House?” one user snarked. “The hypocrisy meter just exploded,” observed another.
“Have you met your base. They are all beluga whales,” another helpfully suggested.
And a few stepped in to remind the president’s detractors that Trump had actually admitted his own fatness right after calling the protester out for his. “Shh, don’t tell him he’s overweight, he doesn’t know!” one user tweeted sarcastically.
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The interruption came as Trump was defending Customs and Border Patrol from attacks by feral Democrats likening them to Nazis and concentration camp guards. As the disrupters were escorted out, he segued back into talking about how much “we love our families,” faith, flag, and freedom. And our neighbors – even the fat ones, presumably.
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